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November News

Georgie Johnson

The next Transition Wilmslow Monthly Meeting on Thursday 17th November, 7.30pm at Quaker Meeting House, Bourne Street, Wilmslow. Everyone is welcome; we are also inviting members of the Lindow Moss Community Forum and the Lindow Moss Restoration Group.


  1. “Next Steps for Lindow Moss” : update and discussion with Brian Donohue, Chair of the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Group. Transition Wilmslow began serious work on Lindow Moss with a stakeholder workshop in 2014. Since then, we have been working to raise the profile of this important landscape and to secure its future. The Lindow Moss landscape character area was designated as a landscape of historic and cultural importance in the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan, which also proposed a Lindow Moss Partnership to conserve, restore and interpret the landscape. Transition Wilmslow is a key partner in that endeavour. Brian will update us with any news from CEC and/or Terraqueous and the progress the Partnership has made with a proposed bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund alongside a group of delivery partners, including Transition Wilmslow.

  2. What does Transition Wilmslow actually do? Well, we do a lot but it can be hard to describe! (If you aren’t sure, check out our new website ) Can you come up with a good strap line for us? Or is the one we use on the website good enough for you to remember and use?

  3. Next Meeting: Thursday 15 December 7.30pm with homemade mince pies and mulled apple juice……we hope….

Hope to see you!

Transition Wilmslow team

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