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Lastest Newsletter - October

Georgie Johnson

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Here's your monthly update:

Sunday, 15 October 2pm, Guided Tree Walk

Join our gentle Tree Identification Walk at Meriton Park, Chris Frankland our Chris Frankland, legendary arboricultralist and tree expert, who will lead a gentle walk around Meriton Park talking about how to identify trees, their special features and the importance of the “right tree in the right place”. You may need to wear waterproofs. The event is free if you would like to join in please click here and book a place (there will be approximately 20 places available).

Next Transition Wilmslow’s meeting 19th October at 7.30pm

How do we control the amount of carbon we are pumping in to the atmosphere? John Egan of Progressive Energy will be talking about carbon capture and something his firm is working to pipe carbon emissions from the Peak District where cement and lime works produce it, to the Irish Sea to bury it in old gas fields. Come and join us - tea and biscuits and friendly faces are provided.

Wilmslow Artisan Market: Sat 21st October

We are having a stall and need some volunteers. Come and support our stall encouraging discussions about Taking the Jump (which is an organisation that would like to encourage us all to live with less stuff, and more sustainably). If you can help our for an hour or two on the day, please let Andrew know… Designers for the layout of the stall welcomed in advance too! Do get involved, the more the merrier.

Theatre with a difference: As The World Tipped in St Helens town centre. This is a free event and will take place on Saturday, October 21 as part of Borough of Culture celebrations and it looks incredible! Worth going out to St Helens for, perhaps we could set up lift sharing, let us know if you'd be interested in going:

Repair Cafe: Sat 4th November: URC Chapel Lane Wilmslow. Put the date in your diary - bring your repairs, or get in touch if you are a volunteer repairer (small electrics, bikes, furniture, knitting, textiles etc) or if you can help in the Cafe or by donating homemade cakes and biscuits. Repairs are free, but we are grateful for donations to support the venue and our insurance. We are part of the International Repair Cafe Foundation, and every item we repair is one less item in landfill. Get in touch at

Want to Save Energy/Reduce your Energy Bills?

Of course you do - our Energy Group are having an ‘Action on Local Energy’ stall at the repair café (see above) to offer advice and to get you booked in for a FREE home energy survey. Come along and chat to them.

Round Table Bonfire: 4th November, evening: Would you be able to help with the Round Table Annual Bonfire on November 4th either marshalling or taking payments on the gate? If you can do this on behalf of TW, the Round Table will make a donation to us after the event. If you can help, please email Paul on

CAT Conference: a weekend of inspiration and action

Join the Centre for Alternative Technology in November for the return of their annual conference – a weekend filled with inspiration, insight and practical action. From Friday 10th to Sunday 12th November, CAT members, students, staff and volunteers will be coming together for a festival of ideas, including talks, tours, workshops, discussions and more.

Other Things of Interest:

Heat Resilience Plan for Wilmslow

In July 2022, Cheshire experienced the highest temperature on record, with afternoon temperatures peaking around 38 C. With climate change, this may become more frequent and even exceeded. We have an opportunity to increase local resilience to heatwaves by sharing insights and concerns that can help shape local policies and strategies. Key issues include cooling, shelter, and public health, particularly for vulnerable residents. We want to build a network of people interested in contributing to development of a Heat Resilience Plan for Wilmslow. If you’d like to help take this idea forward, get in touch:

Lindow Moss: This is a couple of years old, but might be of interest.

You will be hearing much more about next year's incredible Lindow Moss event over the coming weeks.

Our very own Sarah Bridle is in conversation with George Monbiot in Manchester this month, more details here on when and how to book:

Sycamore Gap: did you feel absolutely heartbroken about the felling of the iconic tree at Hadrian's Wall? I'm sure we all did. However, every time we hear the whirr of a chainsaw cutting down a tree in Wilmslow, we feel angry and sad. If you want to be involved in not only saving trees, but planting trees, get involved with our Tree Group. Just reply to this email and we'll point you in the right direction.

Cheshire East Climate Alliance

Across Cheshire East we have a climate alliance, representing Congleton, Macclesfield, Disley, Bollington, Nantwich, Audlem and others, to push the council and government to take action and to share what we are doing and what is working. Currently Andrew Backhouse and Flo Collier are the reps we have, but it would be good to swap over to at least one new person. Is anyone else keen to work on this? About one evening meeting every 2 months, usually on zoom. Let us know.

WE NEED YOU - we'd love more people of all ages to get involved in all the different things we have going on. If you want to get involved, have any ideas or just have a little bit of time to give us, just get in touch.

Next Meeting Thursday, 19th October 7.30pm - come along, all welcome.

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