Transition Wilmslow is an amazing group of dynamic people trying to do a bit to save the planet in all sorts of ways.
Whilst I was busy teaching kids about picking tomatoes and cucumbers at our Community Market Garden at Oakenclough this week, someone else was busy lining groups up to do exciting things on climate action at the street festival for our Festival of Nature in September, another was scanning Wilmslow and area planning applications to try and get them to be environmentally responsible, and some were hard at work trying to get our constitution revised to make it acceptable as a charitable incorporated organization. So many different things go on behind the scenes, whether Tree Group or Lindow Moss, and more help is always welcomed!
Are you any good at social media? Administration? Let us know! And join an amazing group doing our bit to try and save a planet for our children. Our next meeting is 18th August at 7.30pm at the Quaker Meeting House.