Tree and Woodland Group
Our Tree and Woodland Group has set itself an ambitious target to double tree cover in Wilmslow by 2040.
Trees are essential for absorption of carbon and support for biodiversity, as well as providing areas of beauty and tranquillity which are vital for our physical and mental health. The group has been working with Ansa (part of Cheshire East Council) to identify areas of public land for planting, as well as planting in our own Community Gardens and in people's own gardens. There are plenty of opportunities over the winter months to help with tree planting.
Tree Planting on Highway Edges (streets)
At the recent Climate Hustings, many of us where very interested in the questions asked by Paddy Johnson, Chair TW Tree Group
The Candidates all wanted more information and this is Paddy's Summary:
Tree Planting on Highway edges
The bad news
For a couple of years Transition Wilmslow Tree Group have been trying to get replacement trees planted along the streets of Wilmslow where we have lost trees.The planting on such locations is strictly controlled by Cheshire East Council (CEC and in particular their Highways Department).
Originally, we were told that planting in general was not possible as they were devising a policy. In March ’23 they finally produced an interim policy (Highway Tree Safety maintenance and inspections, and the code of Practice for Highway Tree Safety inspection). They also reported their intention to produce a Highway tree planting policy by September 2024.
The problem with this interim policy is that it lays out 13 stringent criteria for Highway planting including:
ï‚· Trees must be planted within a minimum of 1.1m verge width
ï‚· The tree must be a minimum of 3m from the edge of the carriageway.
This effectively rules out almost all existing tree planting sites within town.
The good news
The Tree group has been lobbying CEC Highway department since last December. This campaign has now also spread throughout the new organisation of tree groups across the county (Cheshire Tree Alliance). This group has now sent a letter to the Highways Department (see below) demanding that an immediate review of the interim policy is undertaken and that we must be involved in consultation regarding the new policy.
This problem was raised at the TW hustings of candidates for the election and received unanimous support from all 4 candidates to help in our efforts. The candidates were subsequently asked to demonstrate this support and all 4 have written to the council.
What can I do to support this?
If this issue and the prospective loss of trees in the towns of Cheshire is a major concern to you, please read the contents of our letter and pass on your concerns to your local councillors, prospective MPs and, most importantly, the Highways committee (as per our letter).
The Cheshire Tree Alliance
Family Tree Planting at The Forest Garden, Festival of Nature 2021
The internationally acclaimed rock band, The 1975, all alumnae of Wilmslow High School, have made a generous donation to the charity Earthwatch to fund a “Tiny Forest” on the High School site. Many thanks to Lisa Johnson for liaising between the school, the council and Earthwatch to identify a suitable place for planting and to organise the planting day on 4th February. Around 60 people, including young families, came along to plant 600 native trees
A Tiny Forest is a dense, fast growing native woodland, ideally suited to urban environments where nature is needed most. The first UK Tiny Forest was planted in 2020, since when more than 150 have been planted. The charity provide the trees, prepare the site for planting, and provide support to the community to help us enjoy, monitor and manage the woodland for biodiversity, carbon capture and our wellbeing and enjoyment. More details about Tiny Forests can be found here
If you would like to help monitor the Forest with maintenance, community engagement or science by becoming a Tree Keeper, email